- Guilherme Tegoni Goedert (Univ Roma "Tor Vergata", RWTH Aachen & Cyprus Institute) - development and modeling supervisor
- Prof. Tiago Pereira (USP) - network and mathematical modeling specialist; ModCovid19 project leader
- Prof. Claudio Struchiner (FGV & UERJ) - epidemiological modeling specialist
- Prof. Krerley Oliveira (UFAL) - data collection and analysis
- Prof. Sérgio Lira (UFAL) - data collection and analysis
- Juliano Genari - model developer
- Ismael Ledoino - model developer
- Lucas Resende - data analysis
- Edmilson Roque - data analysis
The data used in the project was provided by the group LED/UFAL. Simulations were done mainly at IMPA's cluster with support of Prof. Dan Marchesin and the Fluid group.